Sunday, October 22, 2017

8 Weeks + 3 days



第六週,驗血報告出來,確實是懷孕。之前提供的日期也準確,due day是1st June 2018.當時很開心,覺得也算是老來得子吧,解決了一個任務,不用一直被我爸媽催了。心情很輕鬆。還是回复GP,沒有想吐,沒有不舒服。


這些症狀叫morning sickness,但是我反而morning比較easy度過。我是每天下午2:30開始到晚上這段時間,胃非常難受。hearburn一直都有,不過我不意外,自己胃有多差,心裡一直都有數。書上說,孕婦要保持開朗愉快的心情,這樣對BB好。可是胃一直難受,還犯困,心情怎麼可能好的起來。現在開始意識到,懷孕這件事,一點也不好玩。本來想google如何緩解症狀,結果查到一幫孕婦,訴說自己孕吐有多嚴重,吐到電解質混亂,喝水都吐,要去醫院打點滴補充營養。還有的說自己吐到生產那天。越看越害怕。腦海中不自主地浮現出,老娘現在退出是不是太晚了。。。這簡直度日如年啊。。。


第七週,一點比一點好一點,沒有之前那麼難受。可能身體逐漸適應了high hcg




Sunday, November 17, 2013

Some Notes About Business Idea

1. Keep a list of opportunities. 
Ask yourself, what bugs me? What could be easier? More fun? More convenient? Your own frustrations will guide you to real problems that can drive a new business idea.
2. Hunt for ideas in diverse places.
You might find a great idea while you’re on vacation or unexpected inspiration in an experimental art exhibit. "If you open your eyes, the answer is there,""But your world has to be broad enough and diverse enough to feed you the ideas you need."

mining the world around them for useful ideas.

3. Notice how others solve business problems. In any situation, you are surrounded by problems that someone has tried to solve. Each is an opportunity to learn. Start noticing how convenience stores organize inventory, how packaging catches your eye, or how Amazon encourages impulse buys. You might find a better way to solve the same problem or inspiration for solving a different problem.
"You really can borrow and reuse ideas, and reapply them," Boynton says. "If you develop a mental habit of [noticing others' solutions], it opens your eyes to what's out there."


Monday, July 25, 2011

Dry Skin

My skin is getting drier and drier. I think it's caused by pressure. I'm trying to find the way to deal with my skin issue...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

upset at this weekend

I'm streesed and frustrated for work this week. However, I will figure out where the problem is and make it clear in my mind tomorrow.

Cheer up cheer up!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Work New Life

After landing in Melbourne, I got a job in city earlier and better than I expected. It's a society with different culture from my original country, and English is not my first language.

Certainly, I'm very happy in the beginning. Yesterday, I went to Marcs shop to buy a few formal clothes for the coming working environment. I will on board tomorrow and at the moment, I'm a little bit nerves, worrying about my English and new team environment.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow!